Tuesday, July 2, 2013

3 Strike Policy

The New 3 Strikes Policy:

I took today off just to start this blog and have the opportunity to say what I really want to say about FedEx and it's management. At the Brown Café, I'm always limited in terms of the comments I can make about the people who run this fucked-up company and the games they play with employees.

Here, I can say whatever I want, and here goes:

First, what the fuck are the Memphis morons thinking now? They have made the courier job absolute Hell, and now they layer another pile of shit on top of an already deepening mountain of festering, steaming, bullshit.

Second, what does this mean in terms of "safety"? The term "safety" at FedEx is a huge fucking joke because anyone with even a remote clue knows it doesn't mean shit. They want you to go out there, drive as fast as you can, and get -off as many stops as possible so Fred can make more profit. It's that simple. If you can't understand this, you are simply retarded and need to be institutionalized.

"3 Strikes" ensures that employees will be even more scared for their jobs, which is exactly what they want. MT3 is using his typical terror campaign strategy yet again, and a lot of people are going to speed, take driving risks, and cut corners on safety simply because they don't want to lose their job. It is nothing but a threat, but one that is very real.

How long before a speeding courier T-bones a school bus or family station wagon as they speed to their next stop, afraid that they aren't making SPH? What if there is traffic, construction, or a blocking accident? MT3 could give a fuck. All he wants is productivity. After you hit that kid on the bike and sit there waiting for the police and paramedics to come and say "He's dead, we can't fix a flattened skull", it finally will sink-in what's really happening. But then it's too late. You have taken an innocent life, ruined your own, and will have to live with the guilt forever. All because fucking Happy Hands and his asshole boss Mr. Smith "need" to make a 10% profit.

After the accident, FedEx will immediately throw you under the bus because they told you to "be safe". Hell, they even trained you to "be safe". Unfortunately, they don't allow you to be truly safe. It's just a big fucking game that allows them to cover themselves legally and reduce possible liability.

"3 Strikes" is going to kill people. Most will be employees. And guess what? FedEx doesn't care! All they care about is profit, and extracting more money from you. A lot of you will keel over from stress, and while you might not die, you'll be miserable.. And if you are hurt or killed trying to make your precious SPH, they still don't care.

Any lawyers out there, especially class-action types? Here, we have a situation where a major corporation is literally forcing employees to be unsafe. In fact, they are REQURING it. The DRA system has raised productivity goals because it is supposed to be "more efficient". Anyone in a station that already has DRA knows it is a cluster fuck of epic proportions that actually makes drivers less efficient because the program is fatally flawed.

The dickwads in Memphis know that DRA isn't working, so instead of fixing it, which is highly unlikely, they resort to Draconian measures like "3 Strikes", which is an attempt to un-fuck this disaster of a routing system. By ending the Performance Review system they have no true means of requiring couriers to deliver at a certain level of efficiency. And because the sheep are finally rebelling against their oppressors through WAD or sheer indifference, they are scared that they aren't going to hit Fred's magical profit targets so he can continue to blow smoke up Wall Street's ass about how well-run the Express division is, when it is actually a disaster.

Finally. FUCK YOU Fred Smith, Matthew Thornton, Dave Bronczek, and all of the rest of the morons who run FedEx. My 4 year-old could do a better job of running the company, but you pompous pricks who think your shit doesn't stink keep rewarding yourselves for being fuck-ups of the highest order.

Maybe we should have a "3 Strikes" program for upper management. At this point, you're batting .000 for the season and belong back in the minor leagues managing a carwash or McDonalds. You aren't fit to do the jobs you have, and you demonstrate it every single day by your incredibly fucking stupid decisions and policies.

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